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Hi, I'm Conor and currently working in technical pre-sales at a networking vendor.

I like to document technologies I'm working with or interesting things I've learnt.

I can't keep everything fresh in my mind so this process helps me months or years later when I need to read up on a particular area.

And since I've already written it down I might as well share it with the community!

Why tl10k?

If you haven't yet heard of xkcd comics then you're one of todays lucky 10000 (or perhaps it should be todays lucky 400,000?)


While I try to be as accurate as possible with all of my posts, configs, and scripts, sometimes there may be an error. Please leave a comment on the page so I can get it fixed up.

Opinions expressed in posts are my own personal opinions and not those of my employer.

All configurations or scripts are intended as example purposes only and provided "as is" with all faults and without warranty. They are based on my own lab environment will most likely need to be updated to match your requirements.

Ensure you understand the impact of each sample script prior to running it and they should always be tested in a lab environment, not in production.

Need a break? Play Snake!

There are three modes:

  • Easy: The speed stays the same, you can go through walls, just don't run into yourself
  • Hard: Watch out for the walls and the speed will increase with each treasure found
  • Ultimate: The same as hard mode but each time you've found the fourth treasure the game board will reduce

First select the mode and then click the game board to control the snake. You can use the ↑ ↓ ← → arrows to change direction.

Good luck!

Treasures Captured: 0            Speed: 5            Canvas Size: 1000x600